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 banner "we are exhibiting WIoT tomorrow"banner "we are exhibiting WIoT tomorrow"

ISAD e.V. Calendar of events:

  • 10.04.2024: Network meeting at the Embedded World in Nuremberg, 11:00-14:30, Behaim's trade fair restaurant
  • 25.04.2024: Open-topic online consultation hour, 14:00-15:00
  • 02.05.2024: Own booth at the HUB:ZOOM Sensors in Chemnitz
  • 13.06.2024: Workshop in Leipzig (hybrid), 10:00-17:00
  • 18.09.2024: Members' meeting at PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH in Blomberg (hybrid), 10:00-16:00
  • 24.10.2024: Own booth at the Wireless IoT in Wiesbaden

Dear visitors,

As an inter/nationally active interest group for small and medium-sized enterprises as well as various test houses and associations in the field of radio communications, we are daily engaged in the preservation of the current and future uses of the frequency bands in the sense of REC 70-03.

The core task of our association is the active co-design of EN standards in cooperation with all important organisations and institutions such as ETSI and BNetzA - especially with regard to harmonisation and conformity.

You can get an overview of our exact services here.


Currently we are intensively engaged in the developments regarding the Radio Equipment Directive (RED) Art. 3.3 / 4 - especially 3.3 d/e/f and i - in connection with cyber security and with regard to testability and conformity.

The said articles of the Radio Directive concern all radio solutions that (can) connect to a network in any form or require a software update after being placed on the market.

The decision of the EU to enact legislation in this regard will have corresponding effects and possibly also far-reaching consequences for the development of the entire radio industry as well as the corresponding EN standards.

If you have any questions or suggestions on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us at office@isadev.org.

We provide our members regularly via ISAD News and Info Mail with current information regarding developments in the radio industry and inform about all relevant dates and events.

Via our members area ISAD members get access to useful information (like personal contact to the team and ISAD News) as well as contributions and documents from our cooperations (like EN Standards, Drafts and EC Decisions) and to all ISAD internal documents (like minutes and scripts of meetings).

In addition, we organize meetings / workshops, trade show visits and gatherings several times a year all over Germany. Also non-ISAD members are welcome to participate in our official events after prior registration. If you are interested in participating, you can contact us at any time via e-mail.

An overview of our member companies can be found here.

As a registered association, we exclusively and directly pursue non-profit purposes and do not work for profit. Detailed information about the association, our services and the association work can be found here.

The ISAD team is introduced here.

A list of organizations and institutions with which we cooperate can be found here.


We wish you a pleasant reading and successful business,

Your board ISAD e.V.

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